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Wiki讨论 | 贡献2018年4月23日 (一) 10:45的版本


Microcontrollers (MCUs) ARM®-based Processors Digital Signal Processors
16-bit Ultra Low Power MCU 32-bit Real-Time MCU 32-bit ARM MCU 32-bit ARM Processors for Performance Applications Application Processors Singlecore DSP Multicore DSP Ultra Low Power DSP
Wireless Connectivity
Personal Area Networks Local Area Networks Neighborhood Area Networks
Software & Development Tools
Development Tools

Embedded Operating Systems

  • Linux and embedded software including drivers and SDKs.
  • TI-RTOS, SYS/BIOS, DSP/BIOS real-time operating systems and kernels.
  • Android kernel, software components and development kit.
  • WinCE and embedded software including BSP and DVSDK.
Embedded Software Applications
General Information
Key Links

Related Sites


This site has been established to assist developers using Embedded Processors from Texas Instruments.  Its intention is to help developers get started, help each other innovate, and foster the growth of general knowledge about the hardware and software surrounding these devices.

For general rules on when and how to create new topics and categories, see the TI Wiki FAQ.

Help us make a better site

You are encouraged to search through the topics and learn all you can from them.  If you find missing or incorrect information, please take the time to update this site as anyone can edit the wiki!  Once you Log in topics will have an edit button.  Note that there are a few topics that are protected and are not available for editing.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software. An overview of this wiki can be found here. An audio/streaming version of this presentation is available here. Tips on editing can be found here.

Linux Wiki ARM裸机内容规划


  • i2c
  • spi
  • uart
  • misc
  • alsa
  • v4l2
  • lcd


  • 开发板
  • 内核版本


  • 由于此章涉及内容过多,故需要大家共同努力编写相应的文档帮助更多的人,我们会制定相应的文档规范出来,尽量保证文档的高质量,共同创建一个更权威的Linux嵌入式教程出来